Well, I don't really know where to start... It's been about 3 weeks since I posted my last blog and so much has happened since then. To start off, for anyone who is wondering, most of my baby plants are making it. I moved them out on the back deck last week since the weather was so nice. I thought that would help them get some sun but afterall, I don't think it did. I think the deck is a little too covered. Only one tray of them drowned from all of the rain yesterday. I went to Branson and forgot to move them. Oh well, we still have 5 trays left. Here are pictures of the plants today. Day 28.... Can't believe it's been that long since I've updated!

If you are wondering why I've been so busy during the last 3 weeks, Jimmy lost his job, we sold the house, moved, and I've been busy trying to keep up with school. I know that all seems like a lot and it is! I'll try to explain what's going on without writing a book.
Jimmy worked for Fayetteville Auto Park. This "new guy" took over and decided to cut everyone's pay and let some people go. Apparently, they "terminated" Jimmy's position. They told him that he should have made HALF of what he did last year. Yes, that means a HUGE pay cut. They didn't want to demote him and they couldn't expect him to stay if they would have just given him a pay cut. Besides that, they changed their hours from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and they added a midnight madness sale once a month. So really, this "new guy" expects these people to have no life other than work.
To look on the bright side of things, all of this was really an answered prayer. Jimmy had really been hating his job for the last 6 to 8 months and he knew this new guy was going to make things worse. Here is the weird part... I showed the house to this couple on a Monday night. When Jimmy got home we were talking about how these people really liked the house. He made the comment to me that if we sold the house he could quit his job and find something he really wanted to do. So the next day, I got up and helped him get his stuff ready. I took this picture of him before he left for work on his last day. He was 30 pounds lighter and about to have life changing events happen!

So this picture was taken before he left work that morning. He found out his position was eliminated at 10:30 and we sold the house at 3:30 that afternoon. We have had our house for sale for a year and a half. And for some unknown reason, our house sold on the day he lost his job. We felt like it was meant to be. We knew all of this was happening for a reason. We had actually talked about staying in the house a couple of weeks before. That's why we painted and replaced light fixtures. We had just failed to take the sign out of the yard. Good thing we didn't! The couple wanted to close on the house in two weeks which made things a lot more stressful. So we sold the house on a Tuesday, moved out on Saturday of the same week, and then closed on the house on the following Thursday. It was very stressful but it was better to get it all over with instead of waiting 30 days and dragging things out. Now, looking back, we are so thankful things happened the way they did!